Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contextual investigation - Essay Example The potential for struggle arses when the conditions under which the administration is given is poor. High Identify their changing needs and make the vital changes to encourage them Suppliers Interested in proceeded with business with the organization. Struggle can emerge when they additionally contend with Garden City Ltd Moderate Ensure that more than one provider is utilized so deficiencies can be kept away from. Representatives Interested in keeping up their occupations Moderate Train them and guarantee that they are inspired with the goal that they can give quality client assistance Shareholders Interested in the productivity of the business and keeping up or improving their total assets. Moderate Ensure that the business keeps up or builds its worth with the goal that they can sell their offers without any problem. Oversee it so that individuals will put resources into the organization The Community Interested in the congruity of the business. Potential for clashes may emerge i f the organization isn't obeying government rules and guidelines Low to Moderate The organization needs to guarantee that it meets its commitments comparable to the earth and make commitments to the elevate the network. Advance Creditors Collecting obligations as they fall due. Acquiring in abundance of specific cutoff points and using assets on unfruitful undertakings place them in danger and are probably going to cause clashes. Moderate Avoid clashes and guarantee business coherence by guaranteeing that understandings are clung to. The table shows six of the partners of Garden City Ltd - clients, providers, workers, investors, the network wherein the business is worked and advance loan bosses. It shows their primary intrigue and matters that might cause strife. It likewise shows their degree of impact, significance and net effect. In light of the data gave by Sally the clients are the partners with a significant level of intensity and impact, significance and net effect. It in thi s manner implies their requirements ought to be fulfilled if Garden City Ltd wishes to stay in business. Different partners are not as persuasive and significant as clients. Without clients the business stops to exist. In any case, note that advance leasers can use a great deal of intensity, particularly when an organization is in monetary pain. A business’s capacity to stay in great kindness with advance loan bosses relies upon how its funds are overseen and whether it releases its commitments when they are expected. Anything to the opposite may bring about advance loan bosses utilizing their forces to assume control over the advantages of the business. Despite the fact that the investors are proprietors of the business the impact that they employ relies upon the level of offers that they own. The choices that administration makes are almost certain to correspond with the enthusiasm of the clients. Keeping up investor esteem is of principal significance. The people group has the ability to tie the organization to act as per government guidelines. It is through the network that organizations discover a flexibly of laborers to

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Examine About The Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange? Answer: Introducation In this situation, the FCF has no development rate after 2009. The FCF is determined by acquiring the contrast between working incomes and putting away incomes for the gave years. With the assistance of this computation, it is conceivable to register the limiting component esteems and from that point forward, markdown rate is increased for getting the PV until 2009. So as to figure CV, FCF got for 2009 is partitioned by the pace of rebate. This worth has helped in ascertaining PV of CV by the estimation of the limiting variable for the most recent year. Contingent upon this, the EV is determined by partitioning the estimation of FCF every year and afterward, CV is included separated by the estimation of limiting element after 2009. As the estimation of all out obligation is given, it is deducted from EV so as to infer the value esteem. What's more, the contextual analysis gives both market cost per offer and number of extraordinary offers. In view of this data, the estimation of value is separated by remarkable offers giving the book esteem per share. At last, the book esteem per share is separated by the market esteem per offer to acquire the worth to-value proportion (Chong et al., 2017). In this situation, the FCF has development pace of 3% after 2009. In this way, for this issue, the CV and PV from the past part are thought of. This implies the CV esteem is foreseen to rise. The calculation of the new CV is processed by duplicating the CV figured in the past part with expansion in the development pace of CV isolated by the pace of rebate less the development rate in CV (Jafari, Mohammadi Rakhshani, 2017). The worth to-value proportion and the book esteem per share is determined with the utilization of the above-utilized recipe. Free Cash Flow for Kimberly-Clark Corporation For processing FCF, there is reformulation of monetary record proclamation. After in this way, the two counts are done, which are depicted as follows: Net working resources = Operating resources Operating liabilities Monetary resources Financial commitments In this circumstance, FCF is determined with the assistance of the accompanying recipe References: Chong, W. L., Chong, W. L., Ting, K. H., Ting, K. H., Cheng, F. F., Cheng, F. F. (2017). The presentation of remotely oversaw REITs in Asia: Further proof from free income and office costs.Journal of Property Investment Finance,35(2), 200-227. Jafari, F., Mohammadi, H., Rakhshani, M. (2017). The effect of free income on estimated gaining achievement in organizations recorded in tehran stock exchange.Revista QUID,1(1), 2182-2191.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Nicotine Withdrawal Tips From Successful Ex-Smokers

Nicotine Withdrawal Tips From Successful Ex-Smokers Addiction Nicotine Use Nicotine Withdrawal Print Nicotine Withdrawal Advice From Successful Ex-Smokers How to Manage the Discomforts Without Lighting Up By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on January 19, 2020 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine.   Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD on January 19, 2020 Paul Bradbury/Caiaimage/Getty More in Addiction Nicotine Use Nicotine Withdrawal After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery There is no better teacher than the voice of experience, and when it comes to nicotine withdrawal, there are no better teachers than members of our own community. They are an important resource for new ex-smokers.   When youre done reading this, bookmark it to refer to it when youre having a bad day. Next thing you know, youll be the one sharing the tips that helped you mostâ€"with smoking solidly in your past. Beating Physical Cravings to Smoke There are various ways to beat cravings that dont involve a patch. Here are a few practices that worked for me: Drink plenty of water: Water is one of natures best quitting aids and will help you beat back cravings to smoke.  Youll be  well-hydrated, which in turn keeps you at your best to deal with the discomforts of the first few weeks of smoking cessation. Water can help control snacking and flush the toxins from cigarettes out  of your body more quickly.Avoid all smokers: At least for the first week. Climbing the walls was necessary, but I did manage it.Chew something: Munching on spicy things like cinnamon candies and whole cloves stimulated those oral muscles so used to smoking. Arm yourself with sugar-free bubble gum, mints, or candy at all timesCurb or cut certain beverages: Because alcohol can reduce inhibitions, you may lose track of your willpower and reach for a cigarette.  Non-alcoholic beverages can apply, too. I cut my coffee intake to one, sometimes two, cups per day.Accept cravings: I do not fight the cravings and urges to smoke because it only makes me tenser. I try to accept , if not welcome them as a natural part of my addiction recovery. I let them wash over me, take deep breaths and just ride them out with movementâ€"climbing a flight of stairs, jumping up and down, or taking a hot shower.Sing: The physical act of singing works great as a crave-buster. It gives the lungs a workout, gets the blood flowing, and kills the urge to smoke in the process. Pick your favorite motivating music, and as an added bonus, its a mood booster. Releasing the Habit of Smoking I recognized, after the initial physical withdrawal from nicotine, that I was breaking a habit. So I thought about how I could replace that habit with something healthy. For instance, you can take a different route to work. Or have your morning coffee and meals in a different room than you usually do.  I used to smoke on my porch. Instead, I started taking herbal tea to the porch, and before long I didnt feel comfortable going out there without my tea. I also look past the desire for a cigarette to the bigger meaning. The only thing smoking a cigarette would accomplishâ€"besides making me feel badâ€"would be  to make me want another cigarette. Even if it satisfied me, how long would that satisfaction last? How long before Id want another one?  When you learn to identify the source of your discomfort, you can react with a better choice than smoking. If youre tired, rest. If youre hungry, have a snack. Reducing Stress A stress ball is one way to find reliefâ€"I used a 2-inch cloth-covered gel ball myselfâ€"but there are plenty of other methods. Find the technique that fits best into your lifestyle and try to practice it frequently when cravings hit. Exercise: I make it a practice to get in at least 30-40 minutes of brisk walking daily.Write in a diary: This practice helped me most for the first weeks and months. I actually wrote Day 1, Day 2, and so on and under each heading described how I felt and how I dealt with various situations.    Pamper yourself: During the early stages, I was very critical of myself, so I told myself it was okay if I had a few days where I did nothing but rest and relax. It made nicotine withdrawal a lot easier because I didnt expect too much of myself during the first few days.Breathe: Use meditation techniques or whatever method sticks for you. For many, the relaxation you reap from breathing exercises offers a similar feeling as nicotine once did.Find a buddy: I paired up with someone who quit the same day I did. We held each other accountable.Laugh: Keep your sense of humor. Watch comedies on TV, funny movies, or find joke websites on the Internet.     Adjusting Your Attitude Mantras can be a powerful way to shift thinking from negative to positive. These inner monologues helped me in my quitting journey: I choose to work it just for today. I dont worry about tomorrow. If I keep my focus on staying smoke-free  just for today, it becomes less overwhelming.    Remember quitting isnt an eventâ€"it is a process. Everyones process is different. It does get better for some earlier, and  for others (like me) later.    Recite NOPE (Not One Puff Ever)  as often as you need, make a song out of it and chant it when you have a cravingâ€"this helped me immensely in the beginning.    Knowledge is power. Understanding this addiction and our internal junkie goes a long way toward beating it.  When I see a smoker enjoying a cigarette, I remind myself that they probably wish that they could quit like I have. I know thats how I felt as a smoker whenever someone I knew had quit.    I remind myself that nicotine withdrawal takes a lot of work and I will just have to start at the beginning again should I relapse. I also remind myself that there is no such thing as having just one cigarette. I know from per sonal experience and have made that mistake too many times before. It never works.   Thankfully, nicotine withdrawal is a short-lived phase of smoking cessation, but it can be intense while it lasts. The more you understand about what to expect when you quit smoking, the better prepared youll be to plan for and successfully navigate the challenges that may present themselves along the way. Be patient with yourself and willing to devote full attention to your quit program. Cast off any preconceived notions you might have about how long the recovery process should take. Rather, relax into your journey and take it one day at a time. The difficulties of nicotine withdrawal pale in comparison to the strength and empowerment that comes from  beating nicotine addiction. 10 Practical Tips to Help With Nicotine Withdrawal

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Communism in Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay - 588 Words

Eric Arthur Blair, known by his pen name George Orwell, was one of the most well rounded writers of the 20th century. his satirical attack on communism, and soviet Russia in particular, has had a wide influence. Written during a time when most of the world was considering communism, â€Å"Animal farm,† accentuated what historian Richard Pipes proficied about communistic policies,† Marxism, the theoretical foundation of communism, carried within it the seeds of its own destruction.† Communism has several unforeseen costs. Communistic policies require the total removal of a free market economy which obviously costs the country allot. By placing the power of the law in the hands of a few, the laws, especially those dealing with†¦show more content†¦Similarly there were severe punishments for authoring or distributing â€Å"corrupt† literature. Even scientific advancement was carefully censured. The most disturbing cost of communism is the tendency for communist countries to start horrible wars. The major contributor is the design of the communistic government places the full authority on the shoulders of one ore a select few men. Even when they pretend to have a parliament, communistic dictators simply override others to execute whatever self-serving plan that they have. Sometimes the leader could even start a war in the best interest of their country. Communistic countries are never self sufficient for very long, they need more land, fresh hardworking converts, and more recourses to consume. War is the only way to achieve that end. When communism takes over a country the most obvious effect is on the economy. Next the government eliminates all true freedoms. And, lastly communism usually begins a war. Communism in principle is a good idea. It was even successfully implemented by the Ejido and Inca tribes of South America where it was used for over seven hundred years. The problem is the unchecked power that develops. Roger Nash Baldwin once wrote,† I am for socialism,Show MoreRelated Critique of Communism in Animal Farm by George Orwell Essay1282 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx’s perfect society described in his Communist Manifesto is in direct conflict with the implementation of Soviet Communism, which was scathingly criticized by George Orwell’s book Animal Farm. Karl Marx believed that in order to form a just and equal society, the working class, called the proletariat, would have to overthrow those who owned the means of production, who were known as the bourgeoisie. This was to be known as the Proletariat Revolution where the oppressed laborers in capitalistRead MoreThe Downfall Of Communism : George Orwell s Animal Farm1867 Words   |  8 Pages THE DOWNFALL OF COMMUNISM 2 The Downfall of Communism George Orwell is the author of the novel, Animal Farm, which is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. An allegory is a story that uses characters or events to represent ideas. Animal Farm can be read as a fable of talking animals, or as a history book. Animal farm is full of information, you just need to reach out for it. Orwell wrote this to tell people the effects of communism and how it affected the Russian peopleRead More Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes Of George Orwell Essay2475 Words   |  10 Pages Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes of George Orwell Throughout history, writers have written about many different subjects based on their personal experiences. George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair. He is one of the most famous political satirists of the twentieth century. He was born in Bengal, India in 1903 to an English Civil Servant and died in 1950. He attended Eton from 1917 to 1921, and served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1927 before moving to EuropeRead MoreGeorge Orwell‚Äà ´s Animal Farm: The Rise of Communism1207 Words   |  5 PagesOrwell effectively conveys the rise of communism in Russia throughout the book Animal Farm by the accurate elucidation of the context in the Soviet Union from 1917-1945. Orwell’s attitude and political view towards Russia is evident in his representation of the farm animals on Communist Party leaders: Napoleon and Snowball, for example, are figurations of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, respectively. He expresses the anthropomorphic characters of farm animals, and major events in Animal Farm suchRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell944 Words   |  4 Pageslegs(Orwell 132). He carried a whip in his trotter(Orwell 133). In the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, animals have the ability to talk and form their own ethos, Animalism. Animal Farm is an intriguing allegory by George Orwell, who is also the author of 1 984, includes many enjoyable elements. More knowledge of the author, his use of allegorical elements, themes, symbols, and the significance in the real world, allows the reader to get more out of this glance into the future. George OrwellRead MoreAnimal Farm By George Orwell1397 Words   |  6 PagesAn important quote by the influential author of Animal Farm, George Orwell, is, â€Å"Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.† George Orwell, a Democratic Socialist, wrote the book Animal Farm as an attack on the Communist country of Russia (â€Å"The Political Ideas of George Orwell,† He had a very strong disliking of Communism and the Socialist party of Russia. However, he insisted on finding the truthRead MoreA Critical Review of Animal Farm Essay1643 Words   |  7 PagesA Critical Review of Animal Farm Once again, George Orwell shows his literary genius in writing. Through a brilliantly designed plot, the evidence for the horrors of totalitarianism, communism, and revolution have been shown. Throughout history, these types of events have destroyed societies, and George Orwell uses his strength in satire to show this. In someways, he even pokes fun at the communist regimes around the world by symbolizing them as animals. Truly, this book is not only serious inRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm942 Words   |  4 PagesGeorge Orwells Animal Farm (1945) is an illustrious political novella which delineates the fact that the Utopian Ideology of communism is not perfect. Orwells eagerness to express his view on the Russian Republic led him to produce his satirical and metaphoric masterpiece; Animal Farm. The fictitious text based on the events manifest in the Russian Revolution show how communism fails as power corrupts minds, displayed in the novella with Animalism. Napoleon, the mai n protagonist portrays theRead MoreHow Is Marxism Portrayed in Animal Farm by George Orwell? Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesHow is Marxism portrayed throughout ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell? The main aim of Marxism is to bring about a classless society, and ‘Animal Farm’ is generally considered to be a Marxist novel, as all its characters share a similar ambition at the beginning. ‘Animal Farm’ represents an example of the oppressed masses rising up to form their own classless society, whilst offering a subtle critique on Stalin’s Soviet Russia, and communism in general. Orwell is, ironically, revolutionary in hisRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1392 Words   |  6 Pages George Orwell Never Misuses Words In what was a vastly controversial novel published in 1945, George Orwell’s Animal Farm describes the horrific brand of communism in the Soviet Union and the conscious blindness that most of the West accepted at that time. Although Orwell labeled Animal Farm as a fairy tale, this historically parallel novel branches into the genres of political satire, fable, and allegory as well. What made Animal Farm so controversial among the â€Å"British socialists† and Western

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dont call me a cougar

Although the term cougar has become synonymous with older women who date younger men, its predatory image is neither accurate nor acceptable in the opinion of many women tagged with the label. Since theres no similar word to describe an older man who dates younger women, many feel its far from complimentary. In fact, they say it is ageist, sexist, and certainly not empowering to women. Celebrities from Demi Moore (whose husband Ashton Kutcher is 16 years her junior) to Kim Cattrall have emphatically stated, Dont call me a cougar! Cattrall in particular rejects the the idea that Samantha, the iconic character she played for six seasons on Sex and the City, is a cougar, saying that some who are uncomfortable with strong women use the term to label women. As Cattrall told the celebrity news show Extra, I dont see anything negative about Samantha and her sexuality, sensuality and choice. Long before Moore or Cattrall took a public anti-cougar stand, UK artist and entrepreneur Julia Macmillan defied the label by making the domain name her own. There, she started a blog supportive of women in relationships with younger men because, as she sees it, it should be as normal for a woman to date a younger man as it always has been for a man to date or marry a younger women. Like many attractive and intelligent women who look younger than their years, Macmillan typically dated younger men not because she sought them out but because they had approached her and were more compatible than men her age. When she tried online dating in 2006, she found she wasnt connecting with the same type of men she had met in person; and those that were contacting her didnt suit her at all. Thinking that there had to be a better way, in 2007 she founded a UK dating website with a deliberately sassy, tongue-in-cheek name -- -- where members abide by one simple rule: that women date men at least a year younger, and men date women at least a year older. Nowhere on the website is the word cougar ever used. As Macmillan says, Its not empowering to women. She seems to have hit a nerve. Three years later, the site is so successful shes planning to launch a US version of ToyboyWarehouse in late 2010 in the New York City area. I spoke with Julia Macmillan about the cougar stereotype, the reasons why it persists even as women reject the term in growing numbers, and whether theres greater cultural acceptance in the UK or the US toward older female/younger male relationships. You avoid the term cougar and have said, In my view there should be no label. After all, there isnt one for a man who dates a younger woman. What is that stereotype that people have regarding cougars thats offensive to you? Its a stereotype of a woman whos looking for younger men for casual sex which is how the term started originally. I think theres so much more to it than that. The attraction is an enormous part a relationship but sometimes two people can be attracted to each other because they have so much in common. Cougar is too oversexualized and too predatory an image to apply to a broad section of women. Its just one particular type of woman, not all the types of women that necessarily date younger men. Quite a lot of women find it offensive because theyre not the predators. In fact, I know on our site its the young men who are chasing the women. These women are just fabulous. Theyre independent, attractive, but theyre not pouncing on young men. So I think its inaccurate and limiting. Women who routinely date younger men have told me its not as if either side is asking about their partners age. In fact, they say that age doesnt come up in the discussion. The men take the women at face value. Do you find this to be true? That is so true -- that comment is so spot on. Age doesnt really come up in the conversation. Women are looking fantastic; theyre looking better than before and taking care of their bodies. Its not like 10-15 years ago when a woman over 45 found herself abandoned by a husband who had left her for some young secretary. Today women have the same choices as men. I think cougar is a bit demeaning. Many women say it doesnt apply to them at all. They wouldnt want to be called a cougar and never refer to themselves as cougars. When you look at all the dating sites with cougar in the title there are pictures of attractive middle-aged women in a state of undress. Theres something slightly tacky about that. Theres a lot of really classy women out there who wouldnt want that label attached to them. When an older man dates a younger woman, nobody blinks. Yet not too long ago, if a woman dated a man just 3-5 years younger than herself, she faced disgust and outrage. Back then, shed have been called a cradle robber. Why does this double standard exist? Why is there such animosity towards women? I really think it has to do with whos losing ground in this whole thing. When you look at news articles in the online media referring to some new celebrity whos going out with a younger man, you get a lot of really unpleasant aggressive comments from men because theyre the ones who are going to be left out. Theyve had it their own way for so long; theyve always been able to play the field with women their own age or younger. For women, its been very restricting and socially unacceptable until fairly recently -- although I do think its been going on longer in a more secretive way for women to date younger men. And I dont mean to be racist about this, but it tends to be older white men that are upset. More and more women are acknowledging their sexuality which before they had to keep in a closed closet. And older white men dont like the kind of freedom that women have been gaining because they dont have so much power anymore. Unfortunately theyre the ones who tend to run the whole establishment and their views have been the predominant views. Women are becoming more powerful in more and more areas, including business and in their choice of partners. Men are going to have to accept the fact that theyre going to lose ground but that its going to be better for all of us in the end. What do you think younger men appreciate about older women? Older women, younger women -- thats all relative too. Ive got younger women signing up on ToyboyWarehouse who are 30 years old. Its the type of women they are. Theyre independent; theyve got great jobs; they arent looking for a man as a meal ticket because they can take care of themselves. Instead, theyre looking for a man to have a connection with. It could be a purely physical connection; it could be a mental and physical connection (which is obviously the best); but theyre not looking to be dependent on a man. I think that is what the men absolutely love. Older women tend not to have the ticking clock young women have who are looking for husband material. Older women tend to take the relationship as it comes and see how it develops. Most cougar dating websites treat women as if were simply sexual toys; they dont take the whole woman into account. Thats not the case with your website. What did you want to create in ToyboyWarehouse that you had not found on other existing sites? Ive had feedback from other women that confirmed my own bad experiences with online dating. I was 46 when tried it for the first time in the summer of 2006. On the mainstream sites I found that a woman over 40 would tend to get messages from rather boring older men. Id always dated younger men and I just wasnt interested in the type of men I was meeting. Although Id never done anything in the dating industry, I thought, well it cant be too difficult to create the kind of site that I would actually like to be on. The very name ToyboyWarehouse is humorous and witty, and thats an essential part of attraction. The idea was to be fun and playful -- its from a womans point of view. It evokes the image of a woman going around with a shopping cart and saying, That one looks nice on the shelf. Ill have that one. When the site went live in 2007 there was literally nothing out there for women in their late 30s or older who wanted something a little more exciting than a pipe-and-slippers man whose highlight of the week was probably watching his car in his drive. That was what was missing for me. Do you see any cultural differences in the way older woman/younger man relationships are perceived in the UK vs. the US? It seems that in the UK these women are seen as cheeky and playful, whereas in the US were much more judgmental and make moral assumptions about women who date younger men. I think there are two slightly different issues here. Theres the issue of the actual word cougar. My feeling is that its more acceptable in the US than the UK. We did a survey to see what women thought of the word -- whether theyd like to be labeled as that. And 95% said, No, it doesnt apply to us. We dont like that word. Possibly in the UK its more acceptable that a older woman should go out with a younger man. Every time a film star or pop star dates a younger man it puts the idea out there. In the US some might see the word cougar as positive because its a beautiful animal; they like the idea of it and they dont see it as a stereotyped label whereas in the UK we fight labels more and its not a badge of honor to be called a cougar -- its seen as really derogatory. Were going through a transition period. In the next generation it will be as normal for a woman to date a younger man as it always has been the other way around. Were fighting for equality in how were being referred to as well as acceptance that a women can express her own sexuality. Women are so critical of themselves when theyre younger. But as we get older, particularly once were into our 40s and 50s, we tend to become free of those former constraints. Wed like to see that freedom reflected in the partner were with. Yet it seems that at the same time women become more free and liberated within themselves, men seem to shut down. Youve absolutely hit the nail on the head. Young men dont close down but older men do. Ive heard from women who say that if they go out with a man their age, generally hes been through a marriage and hes got a lot of baggage and the kids and the awful ex-wife that he goes on about. Its not much fun for a woman to deal with all of that. Younger men dont tend to have that. Theyre much freer to appreciate a woman. We get a lot of divorcees on the site that have just come out of a 15-year marriage. Maybe their husband hasnt paid them much attention and they havent had sex for years and their self-esteem is at rock bottom; they think theyre not attractive. But then they get adoring emails from young men who say, Youre so beautiful, and suddenly they realize how attractive they really are. Its the most enormous ego boost. They begin dressing up again and then relationships start and suddenly its a whole new world for them. Your website understands what a woman past a certain age wants, and you emphasize intelligence, elegance, and wit. How is it that you get this when so many mainstream sites completely miss this? I think its because Im one of the very few site owners thats a woman. Most sites are run by corporations with all-male boards. There are only a couple of sites that I know of that are founded by women, and women know what other women want. All the marketing I do tends to be social media marketing aimed at women because weve never had problems getting men. There are three times as many men on the site as women. The more you move towards classy, intelligent, elegant, the more women will come. The more you move towards its just about sex the more you cut out a whole swath of women who wouldnt join that kind of site. You can be sexy and intelligent -- thats going to come through in a site -- but you cant just push it as a sex site, because that will put a lot of women off. Ive tried to make sure that ToyboyWarehouse is responsive to our UK members. Ive been good at listening to what they ask for. Id like to hear what women want in the US version of ToyboyWarehouse. The tagline in the States will be Where smart meets sexy and I think that encapsulates what its really all about.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Associations Anxiety Free Essays

The Associations between Anxiety and Psychological and Biological Factors Many people believe that anxiety exists in the occasions that give you a lot of stress. Presence of anxiety is mainly due to the environmental elements. In my opinion, anxiety is a result of imbalance of internal states of human being rather that purely caused by environmental factors. We will write a custom essay sample on The Associations Anxiety or any similar topic only for you Order Now The external environment only triggers the disequilibrium of mental status but not all the person will experience anxiety under a same stressful situation. But first, we must understand what anxiety is and how it is formed. In this report, some case studies in General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) help to illustrate my point. First of all, anxiety is a combination of different emotions like nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. It is different from stress. Stress is only an unpleasant state in our body and leads to some biological arousal such as increase in heart beat rate and breathing rate. Stress can be caused by several kind of emotion like nervous, embarrass or fear which is usually caused by external stimulus. Stress will disappear without the presence of the stimulus. However, for anxiety, formation of tress is more than environmental irritation. Under the same situation, some people will feel anxious but some may not. Different person have different level of stress and anxiety towards same stimulus. Thus, there must be something other than external causes in appearance on anxiety. It may be more related to the cognition of the person which is how the person Judge and value an object or issue as different people have various perceptions and determinations. In understanding which type of person with certain kind of Judgment tends to experience anxiety rather than Just tress, psychological factor including ego and personality can give an explanation to this phenomenon. Other than psychological aspect, some biological factors also lead to creation of anxiety in GAD patients. First of all, anxiety tends to associate with ego. A person with a weaker ego tends to experience stronger anxiety in high frequency. It can be explained by the model proposed by Sigmund Freud. Ego is to please the id which is referred to humans basic instincts, sex and aggressive, and at the same time it also mediate id with superego which is the moral of human beings. Ego helps maintain a healthy and stable psychological state and solve the internal conflicts between id and superego. When the internal conflicts cannot be solved, anxiety will appears which is an unhealthy emotions affecting people’s behaviors. There are several factors leading to a weak ego but the main concern is the childhood development of the person which is further illustrated by a Neo-Freudian psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan. In Sullivan findings, person with unhealthy growth in childhood block one in building a healthy ego and hence affecting the developing healthy personality. People have unpleasant experience in childhood may result in stronger id or weaker superego. So, ego is not able to balance them and affect the development of healthy personality. Their behaviors may deviate from social norms which make them feel anxious when receiving negative consequences. Also, when people receive condition parental love, they tend to have weaker ego and lower self-esteem. Since their parents only express their cares to the children when they have good performance, they cannot accept their faults and always attribute the reason of failure towards homeless. Once they cannot fulfill their expectations or goals, they will suspect their own abilities and afraid of being blame by others. They overlook the environmental factors and overestimate personal factors. Ego is being destroyed as the central value has been doubted or even denied. This can explain the reason of people having weak ego and unhealthy personality tends to experience intense anxiety in higher frequency and thus proving the association between ego and anxiety. In a recent research done by Assai and her group mates (201 1), it reveals the relation between psychological and behavioral control and self-reported GAD symptoms. It is found that children’s behaviors are greatly influenced by parents. Conditional love is actually a kind of parental control that love will be given only following parents’ instruction. Under this circumstances, children do not receive chance to develop ego and understand who they are and what they really want to do. They over-rely on their family and thus cannot bearing risk. When they step out into school or society, they have to deal with different challenges individually. Therefore, heir ability to handle problems will be lower and thus experience higher stress level. Some of them may even anxious about things do not have to worry. It shows that excessive parental control which is an unhealthy childhood development leads to the symptoms of over-reaction toward a minor issue. Even though the object or event is still ambiguous and not imposing direct danger to the person, (s)he is daddy interpret it as a threat and (s)he cannot adore anymore. Anxiety arouses and interfere the normal behaviors. In the studies carried by Boston Children’s Hospital, children with GAD will anxious in true events, past behaviors, social acceptance, family matters, personal abilities and perceived personal. It has no â€Å"on-off’ switch for the worries and they tend to get extreme perceptions. For normal children, they will still have these worries but it usually appears in the present of certain stimulus or occasions which trigger your thought. Stress on them is specified on targeted issue and will disappear after all. However, children with GAD are not easy to relax and concentrate since the stimulus for their worries refer to lower self-esteem and weaker ego which permanently exists before any changing to improve it. In the world, most of people have healthy and happy childhood period. Nevertheless, some of them still get anxious frequently. The appearance of anxiety seems not only associated with ego. In biological field, scientist studied the heredity of which characteristics, both superior and inferior, can be carried down to next generation. Personality can also be inherited by parents. People with type A personality is ambitious, rigidly, sensitive, impatient. They cannot easily accept failure. A little setback will trigger their nervousness and take precautions in order to turn the thing back to correct track. In there words, they have low adaptability and over-react to changes. They will have relatively higher stress level than normal person. Type A personality can be genetically inhered by last generation but also be shaped by environment. People staying at the high tension state over a long period of time, they will more likely feel anxious. For example, people work in the company which required high accuracy and stable performance with long working hours. They will experience extremely high level of stress for long time. They afraid of the consequences of making a mistake and thus need to double check and make sure everything is competed and correct before submitting to boss. Those people may have chance to become perfectionism which they will force themselves act perfectly at any moment. They may be rigid that they cannot handle problem in a more flexible way. They will be impatient and try to finish all the cases as fast as they can. They are not able to relax and anxious of something that does not need to worry about at that time. Moreover, the deficiency of brain may also leads to anxiety. Some of GAD patients are diagnosed that part of the brain component or levels of neurotransmitters are abnormal. In psychological studies, neurotransmitters are important in regulating humans behaviors and mental health. Especially for GAB, serotonin and endorphins, they are relatively significant in maintaining emotions. GAB is an inhibitory neurotransmitter which contributes to canceling the effects of the excitatory SSP. Decrease in level of GAB leads to anxiety as the person will always has high activity level in brain transmission and keep him at a relatively high tension state. Serotonin involves in regulation of sleep and wakefulness, eating and aggression. Abnormal amount of serotonin leads to difficulty in getting sufficient rest and become aggressive. Endorphins help to relief pain and some pleasurable emotions. Lacking of endorphins make the person hard to neither enter into positive emotions nor eliminate the negative moods. The person will become irritable and sensitive and thus not able to relax. A GAD patient, James, whose brain was not functioning well and having imbalance level of various neurotransmitters, turned him into an anxious person. He was easily distracted by minor thing and often nervous. He could not sleep well and complained of headache. It serious disturbed his cognition and he could not have clear mind to make Judgment. He might than always has bad performance which brings him stress again. Other than neurotransmitter, defective in brain also cause the instability of emotion. Other than abnormal level of neurotransmitters, James also suffered from malfunction of temporal lobe located in cerebrum which processes and coordinates stimuli received for learning, thinking, remembering and conscious awareness. Temporal lobe is responsible in process of various sounds and sights stimuli and managing the long term memory storage. As a result, he had difficulties in memorizing instructions and recognizing the work. He always forgot simple procedures. By comparing to normal person that can finish targets, James tends to have weak self-esteem and thus give a lot of pressure and blame himself of the failure. Besides, malfunction of some emotion centers such as magical also lead to GAD. Researchers have found that some GAD patients have larger volume of magical. Magical plays a central role in the fear response and aggression. Also, it promotes the fight or flight response which they person will either attack or escape hen facing dangerous. The enlarged magical is easier be triggered to alter people and hence creating fear and aggression. It can explain why the patient will feel anxious to stimuli which do not carry any threat. Brain activity is influenced by the magical so that they always get nervous. Therefore, existence of anxiety is affected by the brain structures. All people experience stress but people with psychological or biological problems tends to develop anxiety over same level of pressure. People act differently towards under the same environment the aforementioned evidence and studies suggest a utter way to understand anxiety that psychological and biological factors may have greater association with anxiety. How to cite The Associations Anxiety, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Impact of Social Media on Contemporary Business Communication

Question: Write about theImpact of Social Media on Contemporary Business Communication. Answer: Introduction Social media has changed the business world drastically over the years. A major difference in business comes with better communication. Businesses know that it is critical to stay in communication with their customers through any devices that are within their reach. While social media was not originally designed for this particular purpose, the vast majority of businesses such as Coca-Cola are using this platform for marketing and communication. Despite advertising on social media being just an option, it provides many practical ways for staying in touch with customers (Holland 2016). Many companies use social media to connect with their customers conveniently. While companies have an option to post information about their products and services on these platforms, many of them use it mainly to remain in touch with their customers and leads (Funk 2012). These businesses focus more on using this tool to engage with their customers instead of selling them products and services. Instead of posting information on their stock and prices, they choose to share more personal items such as photos of their new kitten. Social media also provides businesses with opportunities to post about the favorite charity activities. Businesses that use this approach understand that it is a great tool for improving connections (Funk 2012). The challenge, however, is high costs. Companies need to develop cost effective measures to be able to connect with their customers without depleting their resources. Coca-Cola, one of the worlds largest advertisers, has centralized its social media marketing strategy to realize this same benefit. Initially, Coca-Cola had multiple agencies run under several independent accounts, and they found that this strategy was not cost-effective for the brand. The companys flat sales are a testament to this. The company has responded by moving its social media to lower costs and also increase productivity benefits significantly (Minazzi 2014). This particular shift resulted in the creation of a real-time newsroom the North American Social Centre that manages social media marketing for this company and all its trademarked brands such as Sprite, Fanta, and think Diet. This center is focused on listening and analytics, community management, and content strategy. Coca-Cola has already applied this same tactic is in markets such as Mexico. These efforts have been motivated by cost efficiencies. The version that has been adopted in the US, however, is mainly motivated by the need for better quality. This company has consistently done its marketing on social media in a way that no other company can match; its core themes are freshness, happiness, and togetherness. Obviously, these themes focus on helping the company to connect with its customers as the real objective of Coca-Cola is making sales (Joseph 2016). Further, other than cost-related challenges, Coca-Cola is encountering difficulties communicating these themes, happiness, togetherness, and freshness given the increasingly popular believe that its fizzy drinks category is simply flat. In an attempt to address this problem, Coca-Cola is looking for new and innovative ways to connect its customers with their brands. The company recently adopted a global approach that involves growing its social media expertise in-house operations. Coca-Colas empathy model that allows it to effectively see the emotions behind events that are trending online like the Olympics and David Bowies death are being used to try to sort of this issue (Evaluating social media marketing 2016). In addition, businesses use social media as a campaign tool. Companies have discovered that belonging to a social media site is like having their own broadcast network. They can use these sites without having to spend a fortune on traditional advertising methods that are often costly. Before the advent of social media, customers could take several days or weeks to share their experiences involving any business transactions. In the 21st century, it takes only a minute to accomplish the same goal. Just like companies that were using their traditional broadcast network made commitments, they have made similar commitments on how they campaign online today. Coca-Cola, for example, has made certain commitments regarding the manner in which it interacts with the public on social media. Company associates and representatives are also expected to make the same commitments (Making a business from social media 2011). Coca-Cola has made several commitments. The company wants its staff to be transparent in every social media engagement and protect the privacy of its customers in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The company also respects copyrights, third-part-rights, and trademarks. Another commitment, which is also a strategy to help Coca-Cola to realize its campaign objectives, is being responsible in its use of technology. The company does not align its company with other organizations and websites that use too much tracking malware and software. Besides, it claims to reasonably monitor its own behavior during social media campaigns and keep the right records of its participation in these activities as dictated by its rules as well as industry best practices (Online social media n.d.; Mclean 2015). As a result of this, businesses have an opportunity to respond to information from their clients in real time as well as stay in touch with them at all times. Businesses can make use this opportunity to acknowledge compliments or sort out issues quickly and efficiently. They have the ability to remedy the situations should any problem arise and make public your efforts to address the issue within a short time and with considerable ease (Social media business models 2016). Social media also makes it easy to share images. Sharing these items in this way gives customers a more human feel of the business. For this reason, many companies are allowing their employees to post some images on the Internet and to blog about the company and its products. By doing this, they are seen as more likable (Online social media n.d.). In the old days, most people were doing a lot of work trying to keep some unified front indicating a polished business image and enable customers to see the firm as it is. This was difficult to realize. Social media makes it possible to realize this and build trust with their clients as well as reach others with the same results (Lomborg 2015). Coca-Cola uses social media for this purpose as well. While the company has authorized the use of social media, it has certain expectations. According to credible information on its official website, the company requires both authorized company spokesperson and those who are not authorized to talk about the company, its brands, and its business on their own social media networks. It, nevertheless, requires any of these individuals to keep in mind Coca-Colas insider trading policy and protection policy, individuals responsibility for their actions, and the significance of everyone as an ambassador for the company. The company also advises social media users to be conscientious when mixing business matters and personal lives. People need to clearly know their groups policies regarding personal use of social media (Online social media n.d.). Social media also increases the visibility and availability of organizations. It is only on social media where businesses are never closed. Many companies are turning to Facebook and Twitter because they help them to address various situations on their own terms and the most prompt moment. If customers send their message to the business and the response delays for any reason, they can still receive the message at any moment when they are available to receive it (Holland 2016). Participation in social media can also increase job satisfaction and productivity. Research indicates that organizations the use these platforms correctly record increased performance. On the other hand, those that use it inappropriately for personal matters face a higher risk of low employee performance. Most companies, including Coca-Cola, have learned their lesson and taken drastic steps to develop special ways of thinking about these issues. At present, Coca-Cola focuses on solving the difficult question of how it can offer greater opportunities for its employees to engage and have fun while increasing its presence on social media rather than only dealing with the policy of the appropriate use at the workplace (Towner Klemz 2016). In conclusion, in the 21st century, modern marketers appreciate social media as an appropriate tool for communicating with their customers. This new communication medium has many advantages and challenges, and many businesses endeavor to find the most appropriate way to use it. The average business owner still has difficulty understanding the risks associated with social media use. Most traders largely use Facebook and Twitter to market their products and communicate with their customers. The main reason most businesses go for social media marketing is cost-related. Twitter, Facebook, and many other social media platforms are free to access, create a profile, and post information. For this reason, it offers the benefit of reaching the target market for little or no investment. Those who want information voluntarily get an opportunity to join and follow the businesses. Social media helps businesses to build trust with their followers and make them look for ways of doing business with them. 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